Listen Along
Here you will find MP3 audio tracks of the Sājāt from Egypt. Click on the link to share the track with your class now, or right click on the link and choose “save as” to save the track to your own computer and share it with your class later.
Dance song from Thebes, Egypt “Baheya” is sung by a male singer known locally for his impassioned high vocal style. The rhythm begins as wahed wa nusf and ends with saaidi mashi. The sājāt are played by the dancer (from a CD titled Music of the Fellahin recorded by Aisha Ali in 1973 on Discs Araf DA 702, track #3)
Ghawazee dance song from the Nile, Egypt “Banat Mazin Song” is performed by the Maazin sisters who also play sājāt. It begins with saaidi mashi and ends with wahed wa nusf rhythms (from Discs Araf DA 702, track #4)
Ghawazee dance piece from the Nile, Egypt “Ghawazee Dance” is played by the Ra’is Qinnawi mizmar band. This is a medley of songs in different tempos but all in the rhythm wahed wa nusf. The sājāt are played by the Banat Maazin (from Discs Araf DA 702, track #8)
Play Along
Here you will find MP3 audio tracks of the Sājāt from Egypt to download and share with your class. Your students can play along, following instructions found in the relevant curriculum chapter. Download TUBS notation paper. Click on the link to listen to the track or right click on the link and choose “save as” to save the track to your own computer.
Download a PDF of the Audio Content Notes to Roots of Rhythms lessons 1 through 10.
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