Listen Along

Here you will find MP3 audio tracks of the Turntable from the United States. Click on the link to play the track to share with your class now, or right click on the link and choose “save as” to save the track to your own computer and share with your class later.

Three examples of music used in learning how to play the turntable (from a CD titled Turntable Technique – The Art of the DJ by Stephen Webber, distributed by Numark and Hal Leonard, 2004 tracks 1-3)

Play Along

Here you will find MP3 audio tracks of the Turntable from the United States to download and share with your class. Your students can play along, following instructions found in the relevant curriculum chapter. Download TUBS notation paper. Click on the link to listen to the track or right click on the link and choose “save as” to save the track to your own computer.

Audio TrackTime
“Basic scratch”0:13
“Basic scratch with syncopation”0:13
“Fader work out”0:12
“Scratching with continuous eighth notes”0:12
“Scratching with continuous eighth notes – drag”0:12
“Scratching with continuous eighth notes – transformer”0:12


Download a PDF of the Audio Content Notes for Roots of Rhythms lessons 11 through 16.

View more Resources—CDs, DVDs, and websites—for each instrument.